Game Design

Modern Games are Still Difficult

It can be said the default mode on most AAA games today are easier than the default mode from the NES-era…because those games just had one difficulty slider. But if you play The Last of Us, Call of Duty, Devil May Cry, XComm or most games on their highest difficulty setting, a challenge awaits.

Game Over: Press X to Continue?

It depends? How long until the incident loads again? How much of my replay experience will be seeing new sights or retreading the same ground? Is the game fun on its own or is it only fun to complete?

Gigantic Interview with Designer Carter McBee

Gigantic is currently in alpha-production, with a beta to release in August on Windows 10 and Xbox One. Carter McBee, Gameplay Designer with Motiga, discusses the current state of Gigantic, what players can look forward to and how the community is important to the development team.

Pneuma Q&A with Joe Brammer

The Co-Founder, Producer and Artist from Deco Digital discusses his studios first game Pneuma: Breath of Life, a first-person puzzle adventure that takes place during the genesis of the universe. "This game isn't about your skill with a controller, it's about how you perceive and analyze situations."