Mother’s Day Appreciation: Aunt May For Peter Parker, there is no one who will care for and adore him more than his beloved Aunt May.
Addictive Gameplay The more you play and gain a sense of completion, the more you want to continue playing.
What Defines a Character? Is there any aspect of a hero, that if adjusted, they will become unrecognizable?
Most Useful Superpower There are a lot of powers to make you stronger, smarter and invincible. But which is the most useful?
Do Trophies Impact Gamers Do trophies improve the gaming experience or have players degraded into achievement addicts?
Trailer Fatigue At what point do facts, figures and trailers of a film distract from the movie-magic?
5.0 Horizon: Zero Dawn – Initial Review Five hours (or 10.71% game completion, if you prefer) into Horizon: Zero Dawn I can tell you with a ninety-nine percent confidence rating; Zero Dawn is the most...
Xbox Game Pass – A Promising Start Do I think Game Pass will be perfect? No. Do I think Game pass is the first step towards a digital revolution where gaming is a monthly service instead of dropping $60 for each new release? I certainly hope so.