Chris Peterson

Characterization Is Thicker than Blood

There is an old adage in writing, “show, don’t tell.” When characters are randomly related the film is telling the audience this situation is dramatic/ironic/strange instead of actually taking the time to build the characters and scene. It’s sloppy

No More Trailers

The culture of trailers has reached a point where there are teasers, countdowns and trailers for the upcoming trailers. We literally have advertisements for the date of when an advertisement will release….

The Force Awakens: Review

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens is a return to form for the franchise - its exciting to reunite with old friends, bond with new heroes and lay the groundwork for the next great saga in a galaxy far, far away...even if parts of the story feel like a remixed version of what came before it.

Dragon Con: From Ensign to Director

Garrett Wang, best known for his role as Ensign Harry Kim on Star Trek: Voyager, shares stories from his time on the set of the hit sci-fi show, being the Dragon Con Trek Track Director, battling depression and working with strong personalities during this 2015 Dragon Con panel.

Dragon Con Interview: Dan Carroll, Director of Media Relations

Dan Carroll leads a team of volunteers to coordinate media outreach and guest interviews during Dragon Con, the largest convention in the known universe. During this time as a volunteer and Director of Dragon Can, Dan has met the cast of Buffy, Firefly, Star Trek and everything geek-culture that you can think of.

Gamecast 17: Who has Better Exclusives – PS4 or Xbox One?

When does a failed Kickstarter game still get made? When will Final Fantasy XV be released? Are games avoiding the crowded Fall schedule with blockbusters like Metal Gear Solid, Halo and Fallout? Who is this week's special guest host from Twin Stick Radio?