Chris Peterson

Holiday 2017 – Too Soon for New Consoles?

At best, Project Scorpio and Neo will become the next-generation consoles slightly ahead of schedule. At worst, they will be the first step in a new business model which will confuse consumers, complicate development and usher in an artificial arms-race where specs matter more than gameplay design.

E3 2016: Sony Press Conference

E32016 Scorecard for Sony: 5 Buys, 3 Rents and 4 Skips. Overview - no filler, games, games and more games spewed from Sony for an hour-plus and the results were spectacular. Exciting reveals, too-good to be true rumors becoming reality and an appearance by legendary creator Hideo Kojima helped Sony win E3 2106.

E3 2016: Microsoft Press Conference

E32016 Scorecard for Microsoft: 2 Buys, 2 Rents and 14 Skips. Overview - Microsoft showcased new hardware for August 2016 and holiday 2017 plus a massive lineup of titles release between now and early 2017 with gameplay footage wherever possible. A breakneck pace and something for everyone who loves games from racing, Minecraft, VR to tournament setups. Solid showing.

E3 2016: Bethesda Press Conference

E32016 Scorecard for Bethesda: 3 Rents and 6 Skips. Overview - Bethesda had a fast paced conference with some surprising new games shown but overall the content was weaker than the announcement of Fallout 4 which will leave some fans with a 'meh' feeling.

E3 Leaked Press Conference

Do you love knowing information from a website 30 minutes earlier than the planned press conference? Do you think sources are the most honest fans by betraying their companies?

MomoCon 2016: Darkwing Duck

Creators, past and present, of Darkwing Duck gather around to share fans insight into how the hero was created, his greatest enemies and what is in store in the future.

MomoCon 2016: Online Personalities

MomoCon gathered together TotalBiscuit, ProJared, Blakinola, LilyPichu and Matthew Mannheimer to discuss monetization on YouTube, following your passion and a myriad of fandom questions on gaming.

MomoCon 2016: An Hour with Steve Blum

Discussion with Steve Blum, iconic voice actor of your childhood (if you loved anime), the actor who appears in the most video games ever and a great guy to know!!

MomoCon 2016: Talking with TotalBiscuit

Live Q&A session with fans of TotalBiscuit, the Cynical Brit, as John Bain explains the importance of remaining objective with developers, the differences when reviewing AAA titles compared to Indies and his guilty pleasure game during this MomoCon panel.