5. The Comedy Button
Brian Altano | Scott Bromley | Anthony Gallegos | Ryan Scott | Max Scoville
This is the Seinfeld of Podcasts, not because it is loved by millions, but because it is a show about nothing. Episodes start with introductions and catchphrases (Braap, Braap, I have a raccoon fact, money in the bank), then tail spin into random subjects. The hosts are 80’s kids. This might impact your enjoyment, not because the ADHD conversations go from abandonment issues, dead-beat-sons, solving the homeless problem, to quitting drugs but because everything is sprinkled with pop-culture that resonates with that generation. If you remember Grimlock, Snake Eyes, Thundara and Ness, chances are you will enjoy every reference. Unfortunately, you won’t enjoy the ads. The Comedy Button does its best to hide these as skits within the show, which you might find amusing, but they do run the same ones for multiple episodes. This hit-and-miss show is always entertaining and can be laugh-out-loud hilarious. This podcast is for fans who enjoy hearing (potentially) funny anecdotes and (occasionally) startling confessions.
If you graduated from Radford University, leave a “roo-roo-roo” in the comments.
4. The Nerdpocalypse
Jay | Micah
This podcast has a rotating cast of contributors to bring fresh opinions, but the mainstays ensure that the highlights of nerd news are covered each week. The show has a slant towards movies and television, but they still make time to delve into comics and game discussions. The hosts will geek out over a new trailer or graphic novel without succumbing to fanboy blindness; people even like Aquaman on this show. One of the more interesting aspects of the podcast is their weird news section, which one can liberate stories from to sound more interesting during dinner. The cast will go through and tell you what they have checked out recently, which provides commentary on new and old media for you to consume. If you want to hear insights from a group of nerds geeking out with their friends, this podcast will work for you.
If you are “down with doom”, let us know in the comments section.
3. Tech Fetish
Scott Lowe | Justin Davis | Mark Ryan Sallee
All of your technology news in one compact, travel-sized podcast. This show focuses on consumer products and changes within the industry. If you don’t now how a transistor radio works or what a cloaca is, don’t worry neither do they, but they will do their best to describe it, to hilarious effect. What they do know is the latest rumors concerning your smartphone, how the Comcast and Time-Warner merger will create the Axis of Evil and what a disappointment it is that the triceratops never existed. This trio creates an easy to enter environment for new listeners with some reoccurring jokes for returning fans. If you enjoy hypotheticals, such as, “Would you rather have a cat head or spoon hands?” mixed in with debates regarding whether or not apps should be free-to-play, then open up a Fresca, because this podcast is right for you.
For everyone who likes their “tech on deck”, leave a comment below.
2. Rebel FM
Matt Chandronait | Mitch Dyer | Anthony Gallegos | Arthur Gies
All aspects of gaming are covered within this podcast. They will discuss the latest iOS game that helps pass the time while you poop, a huge console blockbuster, an indie darling or the latest Steam offering. The hosts are well-versed in gaming lexicon; through hearing their discussions, you will be too. The team assembled varies in the industry (reviews editor, game designer, documentary maker and games journalist), their unique backgrounds and tastes mean that a healthy debate will occur. Allowing the listener to hear issues well-articulated from multiple views. The conversations focus on new releases or preview builds not available to the public. The team answers letters from fans, which vary from the appropriate setup of a gaming PC, to why is there input lag in the Unreal-3 engine or the occasional relationship advice. Anyone who wants to hear a little inside baseball in the gaming industry or wants to be up-to-date on the latest releases should listen to this show.
If you question “what’s a gamer to do, who should I turn to” we’ll try to help you in the comments.
1. Beyond
Greg Miller | Colin Moriarty
BEYOND! Greg Miller and “He Only Does Everything” Colin Moriarty team-up with IGN editors to deliver the latest and greatest news in the Playstation Nation. Does the show always stay on topic? I doubt it. But is the show always interesting and amazing? I guarantee it. This show is so devilishly delightful that busses full of nuns flip over on the road in excitement. Each episode opens with what is, and forever will be, The Roper Report, which breaks down this week’s headlines and how they impact gamers. From there listeners transition to The Goldfarb Memorial List of Playstation software on all three platforms by the IGN editors, where the team details what games are worth buying (or not) at your local “Ma and Grop” shop. Then Greg and team will check in with the listeners as they weave letters from fans into the framework of the show. If you listen to Podcast Beyond, you are treated to the inside workings of the hosts as though you were a friend. Beyond encourages fan participation on and off the air. This show cultivates a thriving, helpful and engaging community of listeners. Each and every show ends with Ryan’s Wrap Up, where they highlight fan-created tracks, which are often available free to download. If you are alive and have at least one ear, this podcast is for you.
For anyone who is part of the Playstation Nation, please leave a shout-out below. BEYOND!
Level Up, Friends!