E32016 Scorecard for Microsoft: 2 Buys, 2 Rents and 14 Skips. Overview - Microsoft showcased new hardware for August 2016 and holiday 2017 plus a massive lineup of titles release between now and early 2017 with gameplay footage wherever possible. A breakneck pace and something for everyone who loves games from racing, Minecraft, VR to tournament setups. Solid showing.
E32016 Scorecard for Bethesda: 3 Rents and 6 Skips. Overview - Bethesda had a fast paced conference with some surprising new games shown but overall the content was weaker than the announcement of Fallout 4 which will leave some fans with a 'meh' feeling.
Do you love knowing information from a website 30 minutes earlier than the planned press conference? Do you think sources are the most honest fans by betraying their companies?
Samurai Punk built an entire game around the concept of screen cheating. The difference? Instead of being a jerk for looking at the other player’s screen, it is a central game mechanic required to figure out where everyone is on the map. All the character models are invisible—the only way to know where the enemy is lurking is by puzzling out what they are seeing in relationship to the map.
Avengers Academy is a beautiful game on mobile with lots of little details and references for fans of the series…but it is barely a game and has so little interactivity that its transparent they are hoping to hook a few whales on the F2P model based off the strength of the franchise. Don’t be one of their whales.
Emersion is important to Firewatch. If you only play the game to get to the next point on the map, you are missing the point. This is a stop and smell the roses experience – the journey is as important as the destination (and other clichés regarding travel describe the experience of Firewatch perfectly).
Klaus is an existential, challenging platformer boasting a minimalistic aesthetic and electronic soundtrack. Victor Velasco describes why he created a character that doesn't always follow the player's instructions, putting meaning into every decision and that one line of code can change a game.
It can be said the default mode on most AAA games today are easier than the default mode from the NES-era…because those games just had one difficulty slider. But if you play The Last of Us, Call of Duty, Devil May Cry, XComm or most games on their highest difficulty setting, a challenge awaits.