Over the weekend, 4Chan postings were cited as revealing Rayman as a character in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, which created an uproar of fan speculation. 4Chan is a proven source, previously announcing the entire game’s roster before Nintendo revealed each character during their Nintendo Direct conferences. Today, however, Artsy Omni posted to his YouTube channel detailing how he constructed the alleged leaked gameplay of Rayman in the game.
Nintendo remained open to the possibility of DLC components within Super Smash Bros. and two weeks ago announced the release of additional 8-player stages. With unorthodox characters such as Pac Man, Solid Snake, Mega Man and Sonic as part of the franchise’s roster, it wasn’t out of the question for Ubisoft’s unofficial mascot to be a new challenger; he was already a trophy.
Within the video, Artsy Omni provides a high-level tutorial of the screen captures, thought process and programs required to create the fake character footage. Consideration was given to show Mewtwo, a previously announced DLC combatant, within the character selection because it provided weight to the surprise inclusion of Rayman.
With the attention this hoax garnered, currently over 500,000 views for Artsy’s video, fans should be wary of copycat leaks within the coming weeks.
4Chan, NeoGaf and Reddit have become the de facto source for rumors and unscheduled reveals concerning the gaming industry, but for each time a post correctly identifies Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, there are ten from someone whose uncle’s best-friend happens to work at Microsoft. To avoid future, disappointments, try to remain skeptical of unofficial reveals until a press release comes from the developer.
Super Smash Bros. earned two D.I.C.E awards, for fighting game of the year and the 3DS version for best handheld. Fans of Super Smash Bros. can still squeeze extra hours of gameplay through the previously mentioned upcoming DLC and series of amiibos, which allow customizable moves and level up progress.
Did you fall for the hoax? Are you plotting your own leaked concept footage for fame and notoriety? Are there any fake reveals which you ever hoped turned out to be true? Let me know in the comments below.
Source: Kotaku