Do you love knowing information from a website 30 minutes earlier than the planned press conference? Do you think sources are the most honest fans by betraying their companies?
Creators, past and present, of Darkwing Duck gather around to share fans insight into how the hero was created, his greatest enemies and what is in store in the future.
MomoCon gathered together TotalBiscuit, ProJared, Blakinola, LilyPichu and Matthew Mannheimer to discuss monetization on YouTube, following your passion and a myriad of fandom questions on gaming.
When you hear the name Cree Summer, you may not realize it, but you're hearing the name responsible for a plethora of iconic voices from your childhood. She voiced Penny from Inspector Gadget, Susie Carmichael from Rugrats, and Elmyra from Tiny Tunes, and that's just naming a few!
Discussion with Steve Blum, iconic voice actor of your childhood (if you loved anime), the actor who appears in the most video games ever and a great guy to know!!
Eddy Webb, Bill Bridges and Nathan Knaack share a sneak behind the curtain of what goes into writing for video games, outlining the good, the bad and the brutally honest. If you've ever appreciated a game's clever dialogue, engrossing narrative, or wanted to break into the industry, this session provides a good-natured, honest breakdown of what they love and find challenging about their beloved profession.
Live Q&A session with fans of TotalBiscuit, the Cynical Brit, as John Bain explains the importance of remaining objective with developers, the differences when reviewing AAA titles compared to Indies and his guilty pleasure game during this MomoCon panel.
I failed this blog, fellow nerds and myself because I didn’t vote with my wallet. I blindly followed the Batsignal into theaters and gleefully pre-purchased my assigned seat to watch a film I was worried would be good.
Samurai Punk built an entire game around the concept of screen cheating. The difference? Instead of being a jerk for looking at the other player’s screen, it is a central game mechanic required to figure out where everyone is on the map. All the character models are invisible—the only way to know where the enemy is lurking is by puzzling out what they are seeing in relationship to the map.