E3 2016: EAPlay Press Conference E32016 Scorecard for EA: 1 Buy, 1 Rent and 4 Skips. Overview - this was a filler year that could have been skipped.
Star Wars Battlefront: Review Star Wars Battlefront is a well designed, beautiful and meticulously crafted game that any fan of the franchise will be thrilled to play with…for a few hours. The lack of variety and repetitive nature of battles make this an easy rental, but a difficult game to recommend for purchase.
Gamecast Episode 15: From r/Destiny to Community Manager Does Angry Birds need a sequel? What happens when EA and Comcast start working together? On a scale of 1 - Amazing, how excited are you for an Amy Henning and Jade Raymond created studio?
E3 2015: Sony, Microsoft, Ubisoft & EA The most exciting announcements from first party and third party studios on Day 0 of E3 2015!!
Gamecast Episode 10: Graphic Comparisons What's a vertical slice? When should remakes be free? Does Need for Speed have a story?