Does Money per Hour of Entertainment Matter?

Money matters and consumers want a good value, but its important to balance the potential enjoyment your hobbies will bring, not just the amount of time they will kill until the next release.

Avengers Academy Review

Avengers Academy is a beautiful game on mobile with lots of little details and references for fans of the series…but it is barely a game and has so little interactivity that its transparent they are hoping to hook a few whales on the F2P model based off the strength of the franchise. Don’t be one of their whales.

Gigantic Interview with Designer Carter McBee

Gigantic is currently in alpha-production, with a beta to release in August on Windows 10 and Xbox One. Carter McBee, Gameplay Designer with Motiga, discusses the current state of Gigantic, what players can look forward to and how the community is important to the development team.

Fallout Shelter: Review

Bethesda treated Fallout Shelter like a AAA experience by debuting on the E3. This should be the future of mobile experiences, where publishers treat their franchises with respect and offer unique experiences which build upon established genres but with the polish and expertise of an established developer.

Game Design: The Daily Quest

Blizzard wisely rewards players for setting Hearthstone down, returning the next day and encourages repeat visits.