Gamecast Episode 12: Oculus Rift E3 Conference

In this week’s episode we welcome Alex Hawkins, from Gamnesia, to discuss Mega Man Collection, Sonic Boom Fire and Ice, Ratchet and Clank (the game based on the movie, based on the game) and all the top gaming headlines.

We break down the biggest announcements out of the Oculus Rift press conference and someone on the team already has an E3 prediction correct…

To be part of the conversation, email or catch us on Twitter:

Alex – @Artisticishalex
Joey – @JoeyDagOBonuts
Brooks – @NavyMVG
Chris – @NerdEXP

Thanks for listening to this week’s episode,  I hoped that we helped you with your gaming IQ.

Artwork provided by origianlusername

Level up Friends!